Om Butchers Heat

Butchers Heat består af to saunaer placeret i København. En stationær sauna ved Margretheholmen Havn/Refshaleøen, hvor man kan blive med medlem og have adgang til varmen 6 dage ugentligt, 11 måneder om året eller blot booke sig til saunagus session. Vi har også en mobil SaunaTruck, som holder parkeret på forskellige locations og laver saunagus sessions alle kan booke sig på. Vi laver også mange private events i SaunaTrucken.

SaunaTrucken er en militær mandskabsvogn med fortid hos Frømandskorpset. Vognen er bygget om til en urban mobil sauna med brændeovn. Trucken er unik og flot indrettet med bænke i abachi træ, originale slagterfliser, lækkert lys i et utal af farver og kombinationer samt højtalere, således at det er muligt at stimulere alle gæsternes sanser.

Gusmester laver saunagus
Saunatruck ved havet

Butchers Heat tilbyder saunagus og har tilknyttet flere forskellige uddannede gusmestre. Saunagus er aromaterapi i sauna, hvor en gusmester arbejder med æteriske olier på saunaens varme sten og svinger oliernes duft og varmen rundt i saunaen med et håndklæde, så der dannes en behagelig afslappet stemning.

Butchers Heat anvender kun rene æteriske olier, som giver en mild duft med varierende virkning af afslapning, ro, cirkulation, virker udrensende, giver fornyet energi samt et stort velvære. Til de fleste saunagus sessions er det dejligt og friskt med et havdyp mellem hver gus – hele året rundt ❄️🌞

Der er plads til godt 12 personer i SaunaTrucken afhængig af højde og drøjde.
Butchers Heat afholder faste gus sessions i Københavns Havn, hvor alle er velkommen til at reservere pladser. Derudover er det muligt at leje vogn og gusmester til forskellige typer for arrangementer, firmaarrangementer, polterabend, herrefrokost mv.

Butchers Heat er stiftet af Catrine Mannerup, en af co-founderne bag CrossFit træningscenteret Butcher´s Lab i en gammel slagterhal, derfor referencen til Butchers.

Gusmestre hos Butchers Heat:

Find vej

Vores Popup sessions foregår forskellige steder i København. Blandt andet på Svanemøllen og på Margretheholm Havn.

Nogen har svært ved at finde saunaen på Margretheholm havn, og derfor har vi lavet nedenstående vejviser du kan bruge.

Grøn streg
Rute i bil
Blå streg

Rute til fods / cykel

Rute i bil

Rute gående

Terms and Conditions for Butchers Heat

Butchers Heat offers a range of sauna experiences, including SaunaGus in our stationary sauna at Margretheholm, in our mobile SaunaTruck, and in our sauna tents. By booking a sauna event or a membership with Butchers Heat, you accept the following terms and conditions. We reserve the right to update these terms, and any changes will take effect once they are published on our website.

Contact Information
Company: Butchers Heat ApS
CVR Number: 40244050
Address: Luftmarinegade 144, 1432 Copenhagen K.

These terms and conditions apply to all customers who wish to use Butchers Heat’s sauna facilities or purchase membership. By using Butchers Heat you accept these terms. Continued use of our services after updates will be considered acceptance of the new terms.

Booking and Payment

Booking of Sauna Events

  • All bookings are made via our website or app and become binding once the payment is completed.
  • After payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • We offer drop-in spots, which are available if not sold out. Payment for drop-ins can be made in cash or via MobilePay at the sauna.

Payment Methods

  • We accept the following: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, Maestro, and MobilePay.
  • All prices are stated in Danish kroner (DKK) and include VAT.
  • Butchers Heat reserves the right to change prices without notice.


  • All prices for sauna events and memberships are listed on our website and may be changed without prior notice.
  • Upon successful booking, you will receive a confirmation email, and event details will be communicated via email. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email.

Delivery and Sauna Access

  • Upon successful booking, participants will receive a confirmation email and an invoice.
  • The booking will indicate in which of our saunas the event will take place.
  • In our stationary sauna at Margretheholm Havn, Vindmøllvej 9, 2300 Copenhagen S, we host the majority of our SaunaGus events.
  • The location for events in the SaunaTruck and sauna tents is clearly indicated in the booking system.

Facilities and Storage

  • Our stationary sauna is located at Margretheholm Havn and features outdoor changing facilities under a canopy.
  • If you bring valuables, it is at your own risk.
  • We recommend that you use our lockers and bring your own padlock to secure your belongings during your stay.
  • At events in the SaunaTruck, it is possible to change individually and store valuables in a dedicated room within the truck.
  • Butchers Heat accepts no responsibility for the loss of belongings due to theft or damage.

Gift Cards

  • Gift cards issued by Butchers Heat are valid for 24 months from the date of issue.
  • After the expiration date, the gift card cannot be used or refunded, and it cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Gift cards can be used for all our events as well as in our webshop for the purchase of sauna equipment.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation of a sauna event must be made manually at least 48 hours before the start of the event via your profile on or our app.
  • With timely cancellation, the amount will be credited to your profile; we do not refund money.
  • If you cancel later than 48 hours before the event, no compensation will be given; however, you are welcome to sell or gift your ticket to someone else.

Event Changes and Cancellations

Substitution of Instructors

  • If a sauna steam master is unable to attend due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, Butchers Heat will strive to find a suitable replacement or reschedule the event.

Cancellation of a SaunaGus Event

  • In the event of an event cancellation, Butchers Heat will communicate this via email or SMS.
  • If a sauna event is cancelled by Butchers Heat, the participant will be refunded the full amount for the reserved spot. The refund will be issued within 14 days or credited to the customer’s booking profile, depending on the agreed arrangement.

Force Majeure

Butchers Heat reserves the right to cancel or change events in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness among staff, pandemics, extreme weather, or other events beyond our control.

Liability and Safety

  • All participation in sauna and steam activities at Butchers Heat is at your own risk.
  • Sauna sessions, SaunaGus, and cold dips can be physically strenuous and involve risks, including dizziness.
  • If you are unsure about your health condition, we recommend that you consult a doctor before participating.
  • If you feel unwell during the event, you must stop immediately.
  • By accepting these terms and conditions, you declare that you participate voluntarily and at your own risk, and you acknowledge that sauna experiences and SaunaGus events may involve physical challenges and risks.
  • Butchers Heat cannot be held liable for any injuries or health issues that may arise as a result of your participation.
  • We advise against participation in our events for pregnant women, frail individuals, and persons with heart problems, as the activities can be physically demanding.
  • We strive to ensure that the activities are carried out correctly and safely, but we cannot assess the specific health risks for each individual participant. For any particular health concerns, you should consult your doctor before participating.

Storage of Valuables

  • Storage of valuables is at your own risk.
  • Butchers Heat accepts no responsibility for the loss of belongings due to theft or damage.
  • We recommend that you use our lockers and bring a padlock to secure your belongings during your stay.

Property Damage and Lost Items

  • Participants in Butchers Heat’s sauna activities are responsible for any damage they may cause to our facilities or equipment.
  • If you cause damage, we reserve the right to demand compensation for repairs or replacement.
  • Butchers Heat is not responsible for lost, stolen, or forgotten belongings.
  • Lost items are stored for up to 14 days in an outdoor storage area, where they can be collected free of charge.
  • We recommend that you take care of your personal belongings and do not leave them unattended.

Age Restrictions

  • Participants must be at least 16 years old to take part in our SaunaGus events.
  • Children’s steam sessions are available from 6 years old.
  • For membership of our stationary sauna, the participant must be at least 18 years old.

Refusal of Participation and Conduct

  • Butchers Heat reserves the right to refuse service to any participant who exhibits disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, or who disrupts the experience for other guests.
  • This includes participation under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may affect behavior or safety.
  • Participants who do not adhere to these guidelines may be asked to leave the facilities without any right to a refund.

Sauna Membership

General Terms for Membership

  • You can become a member of Butchers Heat’s sauna community once you are 18 years old and there is available space in the community.
  • The membership grants access to Butchers Heat’s stationary sauna, located at Vindmøllevej 9, 2300 Copenhagen S.
  • The membership is personal and cannot be transferred.

Sauna Access and Key Bracelet

  • Upon registration, all members receive a personal key bracelet, which serves as the key and access to the sauna.
  • You are required to wear the bracelet when using the sauna. The bracelet must not be lent to others; violation will result in the loss of your membership.

Sauna Opening Hours for Members

  • Monday: 14:00 – 18:00
  • Tuesday: 06:00 – 18:00 and 22:00 – 23:00
  • Wednesday: 06:00 – 23:00
  • Thursday: 06:00 – 18:00 and 22:00 – 23:00
  • Friday: 14:00 – 23:00
  • Saturday: 07:00 – 09:00 and 18:00 – 22:00
  • Sunday: 07:00 – 09:00 and 13:00 – 22:00

Membership Prices

  • 1-year sauna membership: 3,000 DKK
  • Registration fee: 149 DKK (paid only in the first year)
  • Regardless of membership, anyone can purchase SaunaGus sessions starting from 220 DKK per session via the Butchers Heat app or website. We do not sell punch cards or discount schemes due to the limited capacity in our sauna.

Rules for Membership and Sauna Access

  • Members gain access to the sauna by presenting their personal key bracelet.
  • You must check in with your bracelet every time you enter the sauna, even if the door is open.
  • We recommend that you bring your own towel and water bottle, and that mobile phones be switched off or set to airplane mode.

Behavior and Hygiene in the Sauna

  • Take a dip in the water before entering the sauna.
  • Sit on a towel that covers the area under your feet if you are sitting on the top bench.
  • Do not place wet swimwear directly on the sauna benches.
  • No beach flip-flops or shoes are allowed inside the sauna.
  • Speak softly and be considerate of other users.
  • No sports or physical training is allowed in the sauna.
  • Be mindful of others’ modesty.
  • Close the door quietly and be aware of heat loss.
  • Only water may be brought into the sauna, and it must be in a shatter-proof bottle.
  • Eating is not permitted in the sauna.
  • Take your towel with you when leaving the sauna.
  • Be careful – the bathing area can be slippery.
  • Leave the sauna neat and clean; use the scraper to remove water and sweat so that the drain in the far right corner under the benches remains clear.

SaunaGus Accessories – Complaints & Right of Withdrawal


  • If your product has an error or defect, please contact us and provide your invoice number so that we can assist with a solution.
  • Defective items will either be repaired or exchanged.
  • The customer bears the shipping costs for returning the item to our warehouse as well as for the shipment of the new or repaired item, in accordance with the Sale of Goods Act.
  • We offer 2 years of complaint rights (24 months) as well as a 6-month warranty. The complaint rights cover defects that were present at the time of delivery, but the warranty does not cover:
    • Normal wear and tear, scratches, or cosmetic damages
    • Lack of or improper maintenance
    • Incorrect use
    • Damage caused by falls, impacts, or other physical influences
  • Within the first 6 months, defects are assumed to have been present at the time of purchase, and we will exchange the item within this period. After 6 months, you must be able to document that the defect was present at the time of purchase.

Right of Withdrawal

  • You have a 14-day right of withdrawal from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated in Section 18 of the Consumer Contracts Act.
  • If the product is defective, please contact us with your invoice number so that we can assist you.
  • Defective items are exchanged without any additional cost to you.


  • By signing up for our newsletter, you consent to receive emails from Butchers Heat with news, special offers, and upcoming events.
  • You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

Photographs and Data Protection (GDPR)

  • We occasionally take atmospheric photos at events, which may be used for marketing and on social media.
  • If you do not wish to appear in photos, please inform the staff before the event starts.
  • We process your personal data in accordance with Danish law and GDPR.
  • Your information is stored for up to 5 years in accordance with the Accounting Act, and we do not share your information with third parties.

Booking System

  • We use YOGO Booking to facilitate our booking process and ensure that your personal data is processed correctly.
  • We enter into agreements with data processors who handle your information on our behalf to enhance data security.

Update of Terms and Conditions and Data Policy

  • Butchers Heat reserves the right to adjust or change the terms and conditions and data policy with prior notice to members.
  • Major changes will be communicated via email or another relevant channel.
  • It is the member’s responsibility to stay informed about updates, and continued use of the membership after the changes take effect will be considered acceptance of the new terms.

Transfer of Data to Countries Outside the EU/EEA

  • We primarily use data processors within the EU/EEA.
  • If it becomes necessary to transfer your information to a country outside the EU/EEA, we will ensure that the transfer is carried out in accordance with applicable law and with the necessary security measures.


Any disputes will be resolved under Danish law, with the Copenhagen City Court as the venue.

Data Security When Purchasing via Social Media

  • When purchasing products or services through social media platforms (e.g., Facebook and Instagram), Butchers Heat ensures that all payments are handled through secure payment solutions.
  • Your personal information is treated confidentially in accordance with applicable law, and we do not share your information with third parties without your consent.
  • Purchases made via social media are subject to the same terms and conditions as purchases made through our website.

Your Rights

  • You have a range of rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the right to access, correct, delete, restrict processing, object, and data portability.
  • If you wish to exercise these rights, you can contact us at

Withdrawal of Consent

If we process your personal data based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

Complaints Procedure

  • If you wish to complain about a product or service from Butchers Heat, you can contact the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s Complaint Center, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, or submit your complaint via
  • For consumers residing in another EU country, the European Commission’s online complaint portal can be used at When submitting a complaint, please include the email address


  • The terms and conditions are subject to Danish law, and any disputes shall be settled in Danish courts.
  • In the event of a conflict between the Danish versions of the terms and the translated versions, the Danish version shall prevail.

Data Controller

Butchers Heat (CVR: 40244050) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. We collect and process the following information:

  • Name, email, and phone number (during booking and inquiries).
  • Payment information (handled via a secure third party).
  • Any special requests or information you provide in connection with booking.

Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Your information is used for:

  • Processing bookings and purchases.
  • Customer service and responding to inquiries.
  • Marketing (only with your consent).

Sharing of Information
We only share your information with:

  • Payment providers to process payments.
  • IT providers who operate our booking and email systems.
    Your data is not shared with unauthorized third parties.

Storage and Security
We store your information securely and only for as long as necessary to fulfill the above purposes or legal requirements.

Your Rights
You have the right to:

  • Access the information we hold about you.
  • Request correction or deletion of your information.
  • Withdraw your consent for marketing.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us at